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Hi, 👋 I develop mobile-friendly web applications, apps and intranets.

Retro Database and Web


Stories Gone Mad!

Google Play App Store

Read familiar classics, like The Three Little Pigs, then play a game to mix up the words. Each story was adapted to work as a template.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4

This mobile app is built using Front-End code and a .Net/SQL backend. The code is not on github. I built a .Net backend that is like a custom CMS used for creating story templates. I finished development on it in 2013, back when a paid version of an app was a more common business model. Without ads I make just enough sales each year to offset the cost of renewing an iOS Developer Certificate. If you want to try out the free version, then leave a nice review on the app store, I would be grateful.

Code samples

See my latest pinned github repositories for a samples of open-source projects.

Mobile app to save links for later

Add a new hyperlink to a list. When links open in browser they are flagged as visited.

Save Links For Later App Screenshot Save Links For Later App Screenshot

React Native app built with Expo and AWS Amplify. Tested on Web and Android. Requires signup and supports multiple users; Uses Amazon Cognito to authenticate and authorizes all GraphQL CRUD operations.

To Do List

Mobile app for basic management of a To Do list.

Quickly add tasks to a To Do list or mark tasks as complete. View or delete completed tasks in a separate screen.

To Do App Screenshot To Do App Screenshot

React Native app built with Expo. Tested on Web and Android. Only uses AsyncStorage/localStorage for now.

Save Links For Later (Web version)

Web app to quickly save links to a list for later. View demo.

Add a new hyperlink to a list. When links open in browser they are flagged as visited.

Save Links For Later Screenshot

React app built with Create React App. Uses Material UI.